Indonesia Food Composition Table

  • Tabel Kompoisi Pangan Indonesia

    The data compiled in the Indonesian Food Composition Table (2017) is the expanded version of the Indonesian Food Composition Table (IFCT) in 2009. The imputation analyses have been performed to the nutritional values ​​that were blank, using imputed values ​​and borrowed values, to expand the data. In addition, in this IFCT book, new food ingredients have been added according to the data obtained from the Food Security Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture.

    The imputation of nutritional values to the values in the IFCT 2009 has only been carried out for single foods or raw food ingredients; however, composite foods including foods from manufactures cannot be imputed yet. The imputation of nutritional values for the Food Composition Table should be kept to a minimum. Furthermore, the process of expanding the Indonesian Food Composition Table will keep continuing, especially using values obtained from laboratory analyses.

    The Indonesian Food Composition Table (2009), which is used as the basis for IFCT (2017), consists of compiled data of the nutritional composition of foods in Indonesia, which comes from various reports or research papers on the nutritional composition of food carried out at the Centre for Food and Nutrition Research and Development, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as other references, such as:

    1. Lie Goan Hong dan Oey Kam Nio, 1964. Daftar Analisis Bahan Pangan. Lembaga Makanan Rakyat. Jakarta.
    2. Mahmud Mien K, Dewi Sabita Slamet, Rossi R. Apriyantono, dan Hermana. 1990. Komposisi Zat Gizi Pangan Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan R.I.
    3. Mien Karmini, Hermana, Komari, Basrah Enie, Anton Apriyantono, Slamet Budiyanto, dan Rimbawan, 2001. Komposisi Zat Gizi Pangan Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan RI. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi dan Pangan
    4. Mahmud, Mien K, Hermana, dan Rossi Rozanna. 1993. Komposisi Zat Gizi Pangan Siap Santap. Puslitbang Gizi, Balitbangkes. Depkes RI.
    5. Oei Kam Nio, 1992. Daftar Analisis Bahan Pangan. Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta.
    6. Woot-Tsuen Wu Leung and Ritva Rananheimo and Flora Huang Chang. 1972. Food Composition Table UN. FAO. US Department of Health. Education and Welfare